Security and Threat Analysis

The graduate certificate in Security and Threat Analysis will study the philosophical, sociological and structural influences that encourage the creation of various threat groups and the tactics agents use to monitor, intervene and control threat group activity. Additional focus on understanding crime control and the regulation of criminals in the courts and corrections will further your understanding of the criminal justice system as a whole and aid your ability to respond to large-scale crises.

The Graduate Certificate in Security and Threat Analysis is a 12 credit certificate. All four courses will automatically transfer to the Master of Arts in Criminal Justice degree program.

Tuition and Fees

Classes start in January, March, May, and July. 

Curriculum – 12 Credits

(4) Required Courses

  • Security Threat Groups
  • Crisis Communication for Public Safety Officials
  • Advanced Criminology
  • Criminal Law and Procedure
Course Descriptions

There are very few topics that can generate both tremendous public appeal and opposition as the discussion of various security threat groups. Politicians, agents of the criminal justice system, and the general public have strong and often polarizing views on the topic of gangs. This course will examine domestic and International drug cartels, religious extremists and gangs both on the streets and in prisons. Attention will be given to the philosophical, sociological and structural influences that encourage the creation of various threat groups and the tactics agents used to monitor, intervene and control threat group activity.

The goal of this course is to provide students with an understanding of topical issues in contemporary criminology. The course is designed to provide opportunities for active learning and critical analysis with an eye towards an understanding of the social reality of crime and crime control as well as how the social administration of justice operates. Specific areas to be discussed include: the correlates of crime (race, class, gender, and age); violent crime; economic crime; policing; and the control and regulation of criminals in the courts and corrections. Further, students will learn to apply their knowledge to better understand contemporary criminal justice research, evaluation, and policy analysis.

This course provides learners with an in-depth overview of the quantitative and qualitative research methods used to support contemporary criminal justice and public safety policy initiatives. In a world of data driven strategies and evidence-based practices, today’s criminal justice professionals must possess an advanced understanding of research, including how research projects are designed and funded, as well as how data is gathered, analyzed, interpreted, and applied to policy and practice. Upon completion of this course learners will demonstrate proficiency in data analysis, interpretation, and application in the criminal justice field.

This course examines relationships between the police and the various communities they serve. Particular attention is given to the manner in which crime is addressed and quality of life issues. Community is examined as a geographical space made of multiple and diverse publics sometimes requiring different strategies and attention. A distinction is drawn between public relations and police community partnerships.

This course examines the nature, purpose, function, and substance of criminal law and criminal procedure in the United States. Specific focus is placed on the constitutional limits of the criminal sanction, the principles and scope of criminal responsibility, and elements of an offense. Attention will also be paid to the rights of the accused and the application of protections afforded to individuals under the United States Constitution.

This course identifies and analyzes minority issues relating to our criminal justice system and the resultant policies and laws that have been established. A comprehensive, critical, and balanced examination of the issues of crime and justice with respect to race and ethnicity will be presented. Procedures and policy in a pluralistic and multicultural society are examined relative to law enforcement, courts, and corrections environments.

This course introduces students to contemporary issues of American corrections and fundamental theories of punishment and treatment. Emphasis will be placed on policies, practices, issues, and controversies within the correctional system. The incarceration of various criminal populations in jail and prisons, alternatives to incarceration (e.g. probation and parole), and the public policy issues surrounding the expansion of community-based corrections will also be discussed.

The capstone project is designed to be a writing intensive experiential learning opportunity wherein students propose their own research project that analyzes a contemporary issue in the criminal justice field. The capstone reflects the total accumulated knowledge learned throughout the masters program. Upon the completion of this course, learners will demonstrate the ability to conduct and present original research, using the results of their study to propose a solution to a problem or articulate an area in need of future criminal justice research. *Prerequisite is Research Methods in Criminal Justice

The purpose of this course is to explore the presence of authority, power, force, and discretion in each of the subsystem of the criminal justice system. Administration actions and ethical issues permeate the criminal justice system. We will analyze the importance of ethical leadership, as well as the tension between deontological ethical systems and teleological or “means-end” ethical analysis. Discussions may include police corruption, prosecutorial misconduct, ethical issues in sentencing, prison corruption, and ethics in the creation and implementation of crime control policy.

From natural disasters to active shooter/hostile incidents, crises are dynamic, unexpected events that involve significant threat and ongoing uncertainty. Yet in the midst of limited and conflicting information, public safety leaders are tasked with making crucial decisions and communicating the progression of the event to the public all the while exercising empathy, competence, honesty, commitment, and accountability. Crises are often multidisciplinary, and multi-jurisdictional, drawing leaders and experts from a variety of backgrounds and governmental roles. As a result, when a crisis strikes, a management team is assembled with several ranking public safety officials’ front and center. Public safety leaders must be prepared to share information that is correct and credible using a variety of media platforms. During this course, students analyze several noteworthy incidents for their communications and management strengths and weaknesses. Students use “lessons learned” derived from after action government and academic reporting to develop a strategy to navigate a crisis while fostering resiliency and cooperation through leadership. Students also utilize concepts such as meta-leadership and CERC (crisis and emergency risk communication) principles in case study analyses. In addition, students explore techniques that cultivating valuable trusted relationships with the media, community leaders, and other critical stakeholders before a crisis strikes.