Safety on Campus

At DelVal, our campus is one of the safest in the nation, and we strive every day to keep it that way.

Our campus Public Safety team trains annually, on campus and with the newest guidance, in order to maintain the highest standard of preparedness.

We maintain very close ties with the two local police departments that cover our campus. We meet with their chiefs on a regular basis, and we even allow them to utilize our campus for emergency response training. Both departments have demonstrated outstanding emergency response times.

The campus's technical infrastructure includes:

  • An network of 14 easy-to-use emergency phones
  • The Aggie Alert emergency notification system. This system pushes alerts via emails, SMS text (cell phones), the campus televideo system, campus network-connected PCs, and social media. 

Learn more about campus safety on the Office of Public Safety website and by reading our Annual Campus Security Report.

Public Safety