Dr. Xuntao Zhu

Dr. Xuntao Zhu is the chair of Delware Valley University's Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Management.
Associate Professor, Department Chair


  • Food Science, Nutrition and Management


  • Ph.D., Food Science, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
  • Certified Food Scientist, Institute of Food Technologists


  • Effect of tocopherols incorporation on physical properties of LDPE, PP and blend film of LDPE/PP, in J. of Shanghai Normal University (Natural Sciences), 43, 551-557, 2014, coauthored by Xuntao Zhu (first author);
  • Antioxidant effects of sesamol released from polymeric films on lipid oxidation in linoleic acid and oat cereal, in Packaging Technology and Science, 26, 31-38, 2013, co-authored by Xuntao Zhu (first author);
  • Target release rate of antioxidants to extend induction period of lipid oxidation, in Food Research International 47 (1), 1-5, 2012, co-authored by Xuntao Zhu (first author);
  • Release property and antioxidant effectiveness of tocopherol-incorporated LDPE/PP blend films, in Food Additives & Contaminants 29 (3), 461-468, 2012, co-authored by Xuntao Zhu (first author);
  • Release kinetics of tocopherol and quercetin from binary antioxidant-controlled release packaging films, in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60 (13), 3492-3497, 2012, co-authored by Xuntao Zhu (third author);
  • Retention and diffusion of tocopherol for coextruded packaging films, in Journal of Applied Packaging Research 6 (1), 27-36, 2012, co-authored by Xuntao Zhu (second author);
  • Controlled release food and beverage packaging, page 13-26, in Emerging food packaging technologies: Principles and practice, Edited by K L Yam, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 2012
  • Application of a biogenic extra cellular ice nucleator for food processing: effects on the freeze-thaw stability of fish actomyosin, in International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 42, 768-772, 2007, co-authored by Xuntao Zhu (first author);
  • Microencapsulation of fish oil with soy protein based wall spray drying (I)—Study on microcapsule's wall composition, in China Oil & Fats, 98(5), 31-34, 1998, co-authored by Xuntao Zhu (first author); written in Chinese with abstract in English;
  • Microencapsulation of fish oil with soy protein based wall by spray drying (II)—Studies on microencapsulation processing, in China Oil & Fats, 98(6), 35-38, 1998, co-authored by Xuntao Zhu (first author); written in Chinese with abstract in English.
