School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

Working in agriculture provides an opportunity to be a part of addressing some of the most important issues of our time such as feeding a growing population with limited land and water resources. At DelVal, you gain the degree and the experience to prepare you to tackle not only the most important issues of our time, but the issues most important to you.

In the field classroom with heavy farm equipment.
The Department of
Agribusiness and Food Science Technology

As the industry moves forward, opportunities abound to provide an international market with an answer to the increased demand for food and agricultural products. DelVal is ready to provide you with the skills, training, and commercial connections to excel in today’s global market.

Agribusiness (B.S.)

Food Science (B.S.)

Food Technology (B.S.)

Nutrition Science (B.S.)

A female student is holding an owl at AARK wildlife rehabilitation center.
The Department of
Animal Biotechnology and Conservation

DelVal's small animal science program and conservation and wildlife management program both provide excellent preparation for further study in the fields of veterinary science, graduate education, biomedical research, clinical science and the companion animal trades. Conservation and wildlife management is for students interested in the management, behavior and ecology of wildlife species. The small animal science program is for students interested in companion animal species or careers in biotechnology. DelVal is proud to offer one of only three four-year zoo science programs in the United States.

Conservation and Wildlife Management (B.S.)

Small Animal Science (B.S.)

Zoo Science (B.S.)

An experiential learner holdeing a pigglet.
The Department of
Animal Science

Providing you with a solid mix of liberal arts, basic science, and professional courses to assure that you become a well-rounded, well-educated professional in the animal science field. Hands-on learning opportunities abound, with livestock facilities on campus that allow you to participate in the care, breeding, and management of beef cattle, sheep, swine and horses.

Animal Science (B.S.)

Dairy Science (B.S.)

Learn about our Animal Science Program

Dr. Pam Reed, explains the animal science program in front of a models showing the muscles of a cow and a rabbit.
An equine alumna is photographed petting a black horse in DelVal's equestrian center.
The Department of
Equine Science and Management

The Department of Equine Science and Management offers a B.S. in equine science with a specialization in breeding and B.S in equine management, with specializations available in business management, instruction and training, and media and communication. You are encouraged to pursue a minor in another major offered on campus, as well as to take advantage of the many equine and free electives at the University. As an equine science and management student, you will “learn by doing.” This practical educational strategy is designed to prepare you for challenging careers in the equine industry.

The Department continues to differentiate its graduates by providing the most diverse equine education available. You will be exposed to and experience more disciplines than you ever imagined. Offerings include hunt seat, dressage, show jumping, carriage driving, western and vaulting.

You will have the opportunity to handle, ride, train, manage, and breed horses, as well as assist in foaling management, neonatal care, event management, and young-stock handling and sales.

Equine Management (B.S)

Equine Science (B.S.)

Tour our Equestrian Center

DelVal Voices Video Series

Laura Herbst, Chair, Department of Agribusiness and Food Science Technology

DelVal Voices Video Series
In a greenhouse, four students and an instructor in a living classroom.
The Department of
Plant Science and Landscape Architecture

You'll receive a combination of hands-on learning and in-depth course work that will prepare you for a variety of opportunities. Gain knowledge and experience that can prepare you to be a leader in finding solutions for improving health and quality of life while efficiently managing natural resources.

Crop Science (B.S.)

Environmental Science (B.S.)

Horticulture (B.S.)

Landscape Architecture (B.S.)

Sustainable Agriculture Systems (B.S.)

Turf Management (B.S.)

Hydroponics at DelVal

DelVal Voices Video Series
Dean of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
Social Media